Celestial Hierarchy, Angelic Origin - Voice of God with Joseph Z

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Z Media Team
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**The gospel is the ultimate form of breaking strongholds and wicked celestial powers**

In today’s episode of the Voice of God series, Joseph Z teaches about the origin of angels and celestial hierarchy. 

He leads us to the Book of Hebrews 12:29 to establish that our God is a consuming fire while referencing Psalm 29:7 to explain how God’s voice divides the fire. This means that God assigns angels to their various roles. He also cites the Book of Revelation 19:10 to address the curiosity about whether angels can still rebel today, clarifying that angels can rebel but do not want to because they have witnessed the punishment meted out to the angels who did. 

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Next, Joseph references Ephesians 1:21 and Colossians 1:16 to outline several forms of celestial powers: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. He explains that these entities are all forms of spiritual materials and substances; some of these substances may be higher than others. He elaborates further, revealing that Jesus stepped into the domain where a higher substance being (the devil) had taken authority through Adam, but John 12:31 assures us that the devil is now being cast out by Jesus. He further clarifies with the Book of 1 John 3:8, which assures us that Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. 

Joseph further clarifies that the whole celestial battle became clearer when the gospel was given to the Ecclesia, for the gospel is the ultimate form of breaking strongholds and wicked celestial powers. He assures us that God desires us to stand against the wicked celestial hierarchy, and wherever the gospel is preached, we take dominion over the very gates of hell, for the gates of hell cannot overcome the Church. 


0:00 Introduction

04:13 Hebrews 12:29

05:38 Psalm 29:7

07:09 Can Angels Still Rebel Today?

10:35 Ephesians 1:21: Colossians 1:16

13:30 Roles of Higher-Dimensional Beings

14:52 John 12:31: 1 John 3:8

23:33 Prayer: Conclusion